Flamingo lost episode

okay so yal'l know the youtuber named Flamingo that youtuber who does stupid robloxx youtube videos? One day i was browzing Youtube and i came acros a vvideo on the trending page. It was by the youtuber flamingo and it was titled "confessing something" so yeah i clicked on it and it was weird. For a while the video was glitching and laggging so i decided to Refresh the page. finally, the video Was showing peefectly fine. It was ALbert talking about how he likes to go to the Park and look at little boys walking with there parents. he Showed a bunch of pictures he took of little boys and he listed a bunch of names he found from his comment section, including myself. I was NOT a huge fan of this guy, and i always thought he was really creepy, now i know this for sure. When he mentioned me, i was freaked the fuck out. After a couple thousand views, it got deleted. i was disgusted. I still feel really paranoid, but luckily nothing happened.. yet.